
  • 什么是“硬水”?

    当水被称为“硬”时,这仅仅意味着它比普通的水含有更多的矿物质. Calcium and 镁 are generally the two main minerals referred to when dealing with hard water. 当钙和镁的溶解量增加时, 水的硬度也是如此.

  • 为什么我要去除水中的硬度呢?

    众所周知,硬水会堵塞管道,并使肥皂在水中的溶解能力变得复杂. 由于硬度增加(或结垢), 硬水还会大大降低水管的使用寿命, 家用电器(洗碗机), 洗衣机, A / C单位, 等.),以及家中的任何管道装置. 如果被硬水损坏,这些都可能导致昂贵的维修费用. 在家中安装水处理装置, 比如软水器, 能帮助消除这些负面影响吗.

  • 什么是水软化??

    当水含有大量的钙和镁时,它就是硬水. 水软化是一种去除导致水变硬的离子的技术. 在大多数情况下, a water softener removes the calcium and 镁 ions; however, 铁离子也可以在软化过程中去除. The most efficient and reliable method of water softening is to connect a water softener unit directly to the water supply.

  • 什么是软水器?

    软水器是一种用来去除水中硬度的装置. 它的作用是去除使水变硬的钙和镁矿物质.

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    Hard water is known to clog pipes and complicate soap and detergent's ability to dissolve in water. 硬水也会增加钙和水垢的沉积和积聚, 哪些可以显著降低众多家电的使用寿命. Having hard water can also increase the cost of domestic water heating by about fifteen to twenty percent. Having softened water in your home significantly increases the life of your hot water heater, 洗碗机, 洗衣机, 水龙头, 管道设备, 还有更多. Softened water also contributes to increased performance and longer lifespan of solar heating systems, 空调机组, 以及许多其他水基应用.

  • 软水器是如何工作的?

    软水器通过离子交换过程工作. Softeners remove the positively charged ions calcium (Ca2+) and 镁 (Mg2+) using negatively charged resin filter media. 软化剂有时也用于去除铁. 许多软化剂每升可以去除5毫克的溶解铁. 软化剂可以自动、半自动或手动操作. Each type is rated on the amount of hardness it can remove before regeneration is necessary. 当软水器再生时, it collects the hard minerals that have collected on the resin and flushes them away to a drain. At this time, it also recharges the resin so it can continue to remove the hardness effectively. 当离子交换器用于水软化时, it will replace the calcium and 镁 ions within the water with other ions (for instance, 钠或钾). The exchanger ions are added to the softener reservoir (in this case called a brine tank) as sodium or potassium salts (NaCl and KCl). The sodium or potassium is then rinsed away with clean water to not add excess amounts into your home's water.

  • 软水机能用多久?

    A water softener’s lifespan depends greatly on your individual water chemistry; however, 好的软水器可以使用很多年. Many reliable water softeners need little maintenance besides occasional check-ups and adding salt.

  • 我应该用哪种盐?

    有几种盐可用于水软化剂. 岩盐、太阳盐和蒸发盐都很好用. 不建议使用颗粒盐或块状盐, 因为许多含有一种粘合剂,可以导致您的设备故障随着时间的推移. 如果你担心你的钠摄入量,钾是一个很好的替代品.

  • 由于钾更贵,这是否使它更好?

    Both sodium and potassium create the ion exchange needed for your water softener to function properly. 因为它们对软水机的作用是一样的, 一种并不比另一种更适合你的软水器. Potassium is usually used if a person is under strict instructions from a doctor to limit their sodium intake.

  • 为什么我的盐水看起来很脏?

    尤其是在使用岩盐的时候, 太阳能盐, 或者蒸发盐, 自然精炼过程中可能会有残留的沉淀物. 这会导致水看起来有点脏. 这是完全正常的,不应该引起恐慌. The brine solution in your brine tank is only used to recharge the resin; it is then discharged and rinsed away.

  • 在软水器里混合盐有害吗?

    一般情况下,在软水机中混入盐是无害的. 然而, it is always best to allow the existing salt in your tank to get low before replacing it with an alternative salt.

  • 我应该多久往软化剂里加一次盐?

    这取决于你的用水量和你的设备再生的频率. 取决于你设备的大小, 你的水软化剂每次再生会使用6到10磅的盐. 建议每个月左右检查一下你的盐含量. 盐应始终保持在单元中,以保证令人满意的生产水. 请注意,在重新填充之前,你可以让盐一直下去. 加盐罐的时候, 你应该把它加到大约半满, no higher than three-quarters – this prevents bridging and should keep your unit functioning properly.

  • 为什么有时我的水在加盐后没有立即变软?

    当你把盐加到你的盐水箱里, 它会慢慢溶解,形成再生过程中使用的盐水混合物. 因此,在盐能起作用之前,它需要在盐槽内停留一段时间. 如果在向盐水池中加入盐后立即启动再生循环, 软水机可能无法按标准工作. 当水软化不发生时, 这也可能表明软化剂故障或使用的盐有问题.

  • 软水机要多少钱?

    The cost of a water softener greatly depends on the type of water softener and the quality of its components. 有些软化剂比其他软化剂更有效,因此,价格可能会有所不同. 有时间操作软化剂和水表控制软化剂可用. 仪表控制的软化剂每磅盐产生最软的水. 然而, the benefits and cost savings obtained through using softened water greatly outweigh the cost of the water softener unit itself.

    佛罗里达水处理的水软化剂是为我们的每个客户定制的, 所以没有两个单位完全相同. We don't take a one-size-fits-all approach and do not mass-produce our equipment as national brands do. 我们根据您个人对水质的关注来建造您的设备. If you would like an estimate on what it would cost to install a water softener for your home, 请致电727-736-2747, 我们很乐意为您提供帮助.

  • 一台软水机在运行过程中要花多少钱?

    运行成本通常包括盐的成本,盐的成本根据用水量而变化. You should also have regular maintenance checks performed on the system to maintain the quality of the water and ensure your softener is running efficiently.

  • 软化的饮用水安全吗?

    软化的水仍然含有我们需要的所有天然矿物质. 它只是缺少了钙和镁, 在软化过程中加入少量的钠(或钾). 这就是为什么在大多数情况下,软化的水是完全安全的. Please note that using softened water when in an area with very high hardness for the preparation of baby formula or for customers on a strict sodium-restricted diet, 食用前应咨询医疗专业人员.

  • 软化过程中的盐会进入我的饮用水吗?

    The amount of sodium added to your water through the softening process depends on the level of hardness of your water. 硬水含有钙和镁, 在软化过程中,哪一种会被钠取代. The higher the concentration of calcium and 镁, the more sodium is needed to soften the water. Even still, the amount of sodium that results from softened water shouldn’t be cause for concern.

  • 软化水中的钠含量是多少?

    从软化过程中产生的钠的量是最小的. 通常,一杯8盎司的软化自来水中的钠含量低于12.5毫克钠. 根据食品和药物管理局的营养指南, 这是非常低的钠含量范围.

  • 软化的饮用水会剥夺你必需的矿物质吗?

    软化不会剥夺你必需的矿物质. 软化会使饮用水失去导致水变硬的矿物质, 比如钙, 镁, 和铁.

  • 软化后的饮用水是否会剥夺人体必需的矿物质?

    软化不会剥夺水的基本矿物质. 软化会使饮用水失去导致水变硬的矿物质, 比如钙, 镁, 和铁.

  • 我的柔软器应该多久保养一次?

    就像其他家用电器一样, regular preventative maintenance is recommended to ensure your water softener is functioning to the best of its ability. 一般来说,你的软化剂应该每12到18个月检查一次.

  • 如果我有软水机,我还应该在洗碗机里使用漂洗助剂吗?

    No. 事实上, 当您使用含有软化水的漂洗剂(如Jet Dry®)时, 它会导致你的盘子出现斑点. 来解释, 当你有硬水的时候, 漂洗剂附着在水中的硬度上,使它很容易被洗掉. 当水软化后,漂洗剂就没有硬度附着了. 因此, 它会附着在你的菜肴上, 在你的眼镜上形成一层“薄膜”, 盘子, 和餐具. 那么,在使用软化水的时候应该用什么洗涤剂呢? 只要知道你不需要任何花哨的东西. 普通的洗洁精就可以了——只要确保里面没有漂洗剂就行了!

  • 软化剂卤水罐需要清洗吗?

    在正常情况下,通常不需要清洗盐水池. Unless the salt being used is unusually high in insoluble matter or there is a serious equipment failure within the brine tank. 在这种情况下,应清洗盐水槽,防止设备故障.

  • 什么是“桥接”,我们如何避免它?

    当在盐水罐中使用松散压实的盐丸或立方体盐时, 它可能形成蒸发盐的微小晶体, 比如食盐. 这些晶体可能结合在一起,在盐水罐中形成一团厚厚的硬化盐. 这种现象通常被称为“桥接”,可能会中断卤水的生产. 这就是为什么把你的盐水箱装满四分之三以上是很重要的, 因为你的单位人满为患可以鼓励架桥. Brine production is the most important element for refreshing the resin beads in a water softener. 如果不生产卤水,软水机就不能生产软水.

  • 什么时候需要更换软化剂树脂?

    当水不够软的时候, you should first consider problems with the salt that is used or mechanical malfunction of your softener's components. 当这些因素不是造成水软化不理想的原因时, 可能是时候更换软化剂树脂或整个软化剂了. 需要更换树脂的一个常见标志是水压降低. 如果你用软水器体验过水压降低, 软水器应立即置于旁路, 你应该打电话给你的服务公司要求服务.

  • 使用软水器会降低我的水压吗?

    You should not notice reduced water pressure if your home has a quality water softener that is correctly sized for your house and family size. 如果你正在经历水压降低, 你应该把你的设备调到旁路,并立即打电话给维修公司进行维修.

  • 软水机的盐水会损坏化粪池吗?

    水质协会就这个问题进行了研究. These studies have indicated that a properly placed septic tank that works adequately cannot be damaged by brine that is discharged from a water softener. 软化水还可以减少排入化粪池的洗涤剂的数量.

  • 软水器可以与铅管一起使用吗?

    铅管系统必须在软化水流过之前进行更换. 虽然在硬水地区铅管可能不会造成问题, 无论如何,建议更换它们. 当自然或人工软化的水最终进入这些铅管系统时, 这可能会导致铅的吸收.

  • 搬家时可以随身携带软水器吗?

    With modern water softeners, it is very possible to take them along during the moving process. Installation techniques involve quick-fitting connections, like those used for 洗衣机. All that must be done is closing off the inlet and outlet valves of the softener and opening the bypass valve, 让硬水流入储水箱和家用管道. After that softener is disconnected, it can be moved to its new location and plumbed in there. 需要注意的是,当从城市水转移到井水时, 如果你现在的软水器不适合井水使用,它可能无法正常工作. 也, the new home’s size should be taken into consideration when deciding whether your current softener is the proper size for the new home.

  • 软水机产生的废物可以直接排放到花园吗?

    因为盐水改变了植物赖以调节水分需求的渗透压. 此外,应避免直接排放氯化钠或氯化钾.

  • 软化水对干燥的皮肤有帮助吗?

    There are cases to be noted in which people with dry skin conditions have benefited from the use of softened water. 这是因为软化水对头发和皮肤更温和.

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